U.S. Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C. – 17 November 2017

Theater inside the U.S. Navy Memorial and plaque to honor USS STERETT ship’s Sailors on its screen. Washington D.C. on 17 November 2017.

Location of the plaque inside the U.S. Naval Memorial.
Debbie Sterett with her father Larry S. Sterett.

L to R: Tamee Sterett Renwick; Larry S. Sterett: Bradley “Brad” Sterett; and Debbie Sterett at the U.S. Navy Memorial Plaza.

Profile of Bradley “Brad” Sterett with Lt. Andrew Sterett.
Part of the Debbie Sterett’s Family – Easter 2019 outside of the United Presbyterian Church, Biggsville, Illinois. Left to Right – Emilee Sterett Renwick; Debbie Sterett; Tamee Sterett Renwick (Emilee’s mum/Debbie’s sister); Larry S. Sterett (Debbie’s father); Andrew Sterett (Brian’s son); Brian Sterett (Debbie’s brother); and Hanna Sterett (Brian’s daughter). Buchanan tartan kilt worn by Larry is from the Sterett side of the family.